Monday, May 07, 2007

Look! It's a new post!

...and now it's done.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Here I am once again, recovering from another few days of being sick.

Who knows what the hell is wrong with me.

Not me.

On a more exciting note, Blaqk Audio is well on its way to putting out an album!

Yay for Davey and Jade!

I'm am ecstatic. Hella ecstatic.

Hoping maybe a tour will come along with this album, but who knows.

Nevertheless, I am damn determined to see AFI this year.

I will not be thwarted! NO WAY!

I have no idea how, when, or where, but I'll make it happened.

And I have no idea why I insist on spacing this post so much.

Meh. I'm a honky.

That's it.



Damn phone antannae. Damn antannae because it's so damn hard to spell, DAMMIT. -nurses a swollen hand-

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Oh, how I love breaks from school.

It seems I'm able to get back to the things I used to love to do. Writing. Talking to my online friends. Lurking around the AFI board. Watching countless AFI videos.

Basically anything that's AFI-related.

I feel happier. Maybe because I'm not bogged down by all of this crap that I normally do. School. Band. Work.

Brush. Rinse. Repeat.

It gets so repetitive. I feel caught in an endless cycle of nothingness.

Nevertheless, I am trying to enjoy what little free time I have left. Starting next Wednesday I won't be able to slow down until... well, probably two weeks from today.

Life has become repetitive. At least right now, it's a bit of fresh air.

Breathing fresh air before the pollution begins,

Sunday, December 17, 2006

So it's about 1:05 in the morning. Why I am still up, I'm not too sure of. I'm tired, yet too tired to get up and go to bed.
Quite a quandry I find myself in.
So yesterday officially ended my 7th semester in high school. A semester of hell. I am completely exhausted and thankful for a break.
Just one more semester until graduation.
I look forward to the beginning of a new semester, although I know it will not be long before I'll grow tired of the repetition of Wind Ensemble at 7 in the morning, Jazz band 1st block, Literature, Discrete Math, and Symphonic Band. It never ceases to fail.
Until then, I will enjoy what will hopefully be an eventful and exciting Christmas break.
The first official day of break has been satisfying because:
1.)No school.

2.)No band.

3.)No Food Lion.
I woke up around noon to my mom on a cleaning spree. After many pleas I caved and scoured the bathroom so I could go to Hayley's house, where I usually find myself when I'm not busy with school, band, or work.
We watched AFI's latest DVD I Heard a Voice, which is purely a performance DVD but amazing nonetheless.
Jade Puget is a guitar GOD. And one sexy bitch.

Not that this is new information.
Just a restated fact.
Needless to say, it sends me into a Jade-lust frenzy. More than usual at least.
After that, we ate at Outback (G'day, mate!) with one of Hayley's long time friends Kimberly and her parents. Talkative family but great nonetheless. Not to mention the somewhat hot married college guy that waited on us. Meh.
After stuffing my face with Aussie cheese fries that I will probably later regret, we went on an excursion to the grocery store. A particularly uneventful excursion that led us back to Hayley's with Sarah in tow.
And now I'm home. And now I think I'm going to attempt to drag myself to my room and crash.

Tired and Satisfied,

Sunday, June 25, 2006


What a pain in the ass.

So, I log onto MySpace yesterday morning. The usual checking.

I notice when checking my messages that amidst the unreads, one had been replied.

Odd, I thought.

I click to view my profile. I do that on a regular basis. Make sure everything's in good shape.

My layout's GONE.

My About Me? Not the same.


Damn bastard. Or bastards. Whoever the hell.

Anyways. Yesterday started off badly. Then I went and saw The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift and got AFI's latest album Decemberunderground.

The movie turned out better than I predicted. Usually when a third movie is made, it blows. You're lucky if the sequel's any good. I have yet to be completely disappointed by the Fast & Furious movies. If they make another, though, I'll have my doubts.
I almost pissed my pants when they unveiled this Mustang they fixed up on Tokyo Drift. Oh. My. God. Solid black with two racing stripes. BEAUTIFUL.

As for AFI's new album... OH MY GOD. It's AMAZING.

Any AFI fan, no matter your degree of admiration, should buy this album.

The music cannot be defined by any one genre. It's somewhat eletronic, but still with the heavy, driving rock sound. The lyrics are beautiful. Between Death Cab for Cutie's Ben Gibbard and AFI's Davey Havok, they are, in my opinion, the two best lyricist around. No question. Davey's probably a little darker in his style, while Ben's more philosophical. Nevertheless, I admire their ability to string words together to create such profound statements; a gift I don't quite possess. At least, not they way I wish. I write something, but I can never quite get it to say what I want it to. Anyways...

With the possibility of seeing an AFI concert out of the question, considering that Georgia isn't included in one of the stops on the tour, I wanna go see Taking Back Sunday on July 10th in Duluth. The only problem might be transportation. Not to mention finding someone to go with me. Number one: my parents probably won't go to a concert with me. I wouldn't want them to anyways. Number two: they won't let me go alone. I doubt I would go alone anyways. I don't like being by myself when I'm not familiar with the surroundings. So, July 10 isn't too far away. Maybe I can find a buddy, and maybe I can convince my parents to let me go.

As much as I love music, I have NEVER been to a concert in my life. Not even a local show. I was planning on going to see Vengence 77 tomorrow at El Torro, but I'm not so sure I wanna go now. Not really up for it. But I would be up to going to see TBS July 10! :)

Well, I guess that's all for now. Time to go... well, do whatever. Peace.

Friday, June 23, 2006

So, my totally official second post. How exciting.

Not much is going on. Just spent awhile attempting to upload a picture on here. Real pain in the ass. I'd upload a song on my blog too, but I'm not sure if I want to. Plus, I've had enough with uploading sites for now.

Life's pretty good right now. It's not the best, things could be better, but I guess they could be much worse. They have before.

My job sucks as always. Today it was actually somewhat fun, despite the fact that today was Don's last day.

Don was great. Always friendly, always socialable. I couldn't think of a nicer person, honestly. He's known my grandfather since they were kids.

I hated Food Lion with a passion when I first started. He was the only person who I actually enjoyed seeing. Besides Julie. She's gone too.

You want to know the reason why they fired my favorite person at Food Lion?!

He didn't wear the shirt.

We have this ugly-ass navy blue shirt that has the small Food Lion emblem symbol whatever on it. It's part of our uniform. Don never wore his. He dressed nicely, wearing a neutral-colored polo and some nice khakis. I never saw anything wrong with it.

He's always on time. Never misses a day of work. Works hard. Always friendly and cheerful.

And they fucking fired him.

Just because he didn't wear a damn shirt.

That is bullshit.

I was the last goodbye, and he gave me a big hug that almost made me cry. I managed to choke out an 'I'm gonna miss you', but that was about all I could manage.

He was one of those people that if I got to know well enough, I would've considered him like a father to me. Unfortunately, six months isn't very long, considering the shitty hours I get.

Just another item on a long list of reasons why I hate working at Food Lion.

Hmm... I think I had something else to say, but I can't really remember. I guess that's all then. Peace.
Yay, my first post and probably my third blogger considering I can never remember my password. Blast.

Anywho, summer's boring. I have a car, I can go places, but there's nothing to do down here in little 'ol Georgia. Bah.

I'm attempting to teach myself guitar. Hilarity ensues. Skateboarding as well. I'm learning though. It's something to keep me from strangling myself from boredom.

So, AFI's touring. The closest stop on the tour is Mrytle Beach at the House of Blues, I believe. Sadly, I can't make it. Very sad indeed. Mark my words, if it's the last thing I ever do, I WILL see AFI in concert.

Anyways, that's all I have. Peace.